The File menu allows the user to perform several file operations on the currently open VCell Document.
Clicking the File menu displays a popup menu with the following choices:
Save - saves the current document to database, overwriting the older version. Note that this menu option is disabled for a new document. For saving a new document, refer to Save As. Also, when the user modifies a public model or a model that has been shared by another user and tries to save the model, the "Save" option is enabled. Choosing this option brings up a warning dialog that the model does not belong to the current user and it has to be saved as a new model in the current user's account. Clicking Save As brings up the "Save As" dialog. Cancel cancels the save operation.
Compare With Saved - compares the currently open document with its latest saved version in the database and displays the result in a separate window. Refer to the section on Compare With for further information.