The reaction properties panel is used to display and edit properties of a reaction.
The top of the table shows the Reaction Name,a combobox for Kinetic Type, and a button to convert the rate law either from molecules per second to micromolar per second or vice versa. Below is a table of the kinetic terms used to define the reaction rate (J)that includes all mathematical terms referred to in the mathematical expression for J or other kinetic terms. Concentrations of all species referred to in the kinetic terms (e.g.reactants, catalysts, products)are required. Items in brown cannot be edited.
Edit the reaction name using the text field. A name already given to another reaction will be rejected.
Select a rate law using the combobox to select one of a few predefined rate laws (mass action, Michaelis-Menten reversible and irreversible) in micromolar per second or to enter a user-defined rate law, either in micromolar per second or in molecules per second.
Convert the rate law from micromolar per second to molecules per second, or vice versa, using the Convert to button. Note that predefined laws are only in micromolar per second, so if they are converted to molecules per second, the user-defined kinetic law will automatically be selected, and remain so even if converted back.
Edit Expressions and their units in the Expression column.