BioPAX at Virtual Cell
The primary challenge for mapping of BioPAX data to SBML
is to find out, which of all instances of a physical entity (called Physical
Entity Participants in BioPAX) are mapped to the same species Type in
SBML. After Physical Entities are mapped to speciesTypes, mapping to species
is based on location. Below we describe some of reasoning applied by SybReaM,
a Systems Biology Reasoning Engine for Analysis
and Modeling, that provides such a mapping in Sybil.
We call a physical entity in BioPAX united, if in all interactions in
which the physical entity participates at a given location, all of it can
participate. Otherwise, a physical entity is called divided. If a
physical entity is divided, then a division is a part of the physical
entity for which there is an interaction such that all of the division, and
no part outside of the division, can participate in this interaction. The
divisions will be mapped to SBML species Note that different divisions
are not necessarily mutually disjoint, and their union is not necessarily
equivalent to the physical entity.
A variety of assumptions are used to determine all divisions of a physical
entity, and to determine which interactions involve which division. A typical
assumption is that all physical entities of BioPAX class small molecule are
united. Another typical assumption is that two physical entity participants
appearing on both sides of a conversion, referring to the same physical
entity, belong to different divisions.
Yet another assumption is that physical entity participants with incompatible
lists of sequence features belong to different divisions (more precisely, we
are talking here of sequence participants). This assumption may not always
hold, since lists of sequence features may not be exhaustive. It is somewhat
stronger in cases where one physical entity participant has no sequence
features listed. Another (very weak and not always correct) assumption is if
the name of the physical entity participant contains phrases like phospho
which do not appear in the name of the physical entity, then physical entity
is divided. On the other hand, an assumption may be made that if two
conversions are consecutive pathway steps, and the only connection between
them is through a physical entity to which they both refer through one
physical entity participant each, then these two physical entity participants
belong to the same divisions. In the worst case, there may be as man
divisions as there are interactions, but usually, their number is less,
meaning, the same division can participate completely and exclusively in multiple