CaMKII activation and dynamics are independent of the holoenzyme structure: an infinite subunit holoenzyme approximation
Michalski, P. J., Loew, L. M.
Phys Biol. 2012 Jun 8;9(3):036010.
PUBMED:22683827      doi:10.1088/1478-3975/9/3/036010
   VCell BioModels referenced in publication:
   user: pjmichal,   model name: BioNetGen CaMKII – Trimer – 3 states – with phosphatase
   user: pjmichal,   model name: BioNetGen CaMKII – Trimer – 6 states – with phosphatase
   user: pjmichal,   model name: CaMKII – Infinite Lattice – 6 states
   user: pjmichal,   model name: BioNetGen CaMKII – Dimer – 3 states – with phosphatase
   user: pjmichal,   model name: BioNetGen CaMKII – Tetramer – 3 states – with phosphatase
   user: pjmichal,   model name: BioNetGen CaMKII – Pentamer – 3 states – with phosphatase
   user: pjmichal,   model name: BioNetGen CaMKII – Hexamer – 3 states – with phosphatase

2018-07-12T19:23:33+00:00 January 1st, 2012|publication, publication-2012|