Appalabhotla et al., 2023

2023-09-14T17:14:59+00:00 September 14th, 2023|publication, publication-2023|

G-actin diffusion is insufficient to achieve F-actin assembly in fast-treadmilling protrusions.
Appalabhotla, R., Butler, M. T., Bear, J. E., & Haugh, J. M.
Biophys J. 2023 Aug 28;S0006-3495(23)00553-2.
doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2023.08.022
VCell BioModels referenced in the publication
user: ra_mb_jb_jmh
biomodel name: Figure 4
biomodel name: Figure 6 – Cytochalasin D Simulations
biomodel name: Figure S1 – G-actin diffusion 3D
biomodel name: Figure S4
biomodel name: Figure S5
mathmodel name: Figure 3 – Simulation Image and Line Scan; Figure 5 – Leading Edge Recovery and Line […]

Cowan & Loew, 2023

2023-07-17T23:27:25+00:00 June 23rd, 2023|publication, publication-2023|

Beyond analytic solution: Analysis of FRAP experiments by spatial simulation of the forward problem.
Cowan, A.E. & Loew, L.M.
Biophys J. 2023 Jun 23;S0006-3495(23)00401-0
doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2023.06.013
VCell BioModels referenced in publication
user: les
biomodel name: FRAP_Membrane_Rel
biomodel name: FRAP_Cyt
biomodel name: FRAP_Cyt_Membrane_Binding
biomodel name: FRAP Condensate Droplet

Schaumburger et al., 2023

2023-07-17T23:12:14+00:00 May 4th, 2023|publication, publication-2023|

Dynamic model assuming mutually inhibitory biomarkers of frailty suggests bistability with contrasting mobility phenotypes.
Schaumburger N, Pally J, Moraru II, Kositsawat J, Kuchel GA, Blinov ML.

Frontiers in Network Physiology, 2023 May 4; 3, 1079070
doi: 10.3389/fnetp.2023.1079070
VCell BioModels referenced in publication
user: aging_project
biomodel name: Aging_Phenotypes