About Michael Blinov

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So far Michael Blinov has created 74 blog entries.

A rule-based VCell model used in J Immunol publication

2025-03-25T23:22:04+00:00 March 9th, 2025|News|

2025-03-09. Alberto Millan from Kite Corp and Lewis Lanier from UCSF published a study on ITAM-mediated human Natural killer cells signaling. VCell was used to create a rule-based model in .bngl (BioNetGen) format.
Millan, A. J., Allain, V., Nayak, I., Libang, J. B., Quijada-Madrid, L. M., Arakawa-Hoyt, J. S., … & Lanier, L. L. (2025). SYK negatively regulates ITAM-mediated human NK cell signaling and CD19-CAR NK cell efficacy. The Journal of Immunology, vkaf012

The 26th Annual CompCellBio workshop

2025-03-25T22:34:25+00:00 February 28th, 2025|News|

2025-02-28. The 26th Computational Cell Biology workshop took place ONLINE for the 5 days, February 24-28th. Cell biologists and biophysicists leaned how to use VCell (https://vcell.org/) and SpringSalad (https://vcell.org/ssalad) software to develop spatial and non-spatial models using deterministic, stochastic, agent- and rule-based approaches.

The course included introductions to VCell, COPASI, and SpringSaLaD, presented by their developers and by modelers. Some participants participated in one-on-one sessions with experienced […]

VCell at CellBio 2024

2025-03-25T22:34:57+00:00 December 20th, 2024|News|

2024-12-18. VCell was represented at the American Society of Cell Biology Annual Meeting 2024 in San Diego. Michael Blinov and Margaret Johnson (John Hopkins University) led the session on Biophysical Modeling of the Cell on December 14th. On December 15th, Leslie Loew, Ann Cowan, Stephan Hoops (U Virginia) taught COPASI and VCell tutorials during the workshop on
Mathematical Modeling for Cell Biology.

A VCell spatial model of Myosin II and cortexillin I assembly was published by Iglesias team

2024-11-26T18:03:59+00:00 November 26th, 2024|News|

2024-11-08. The team of researchers from John Hopkins University used spatial modeling with VCell to analyze the role of Myosin II and cortexillin I assembly within the mechanoresponsive mechanism grounded in experimentally measured parameters.
Dolgitzer, D., Plaza-Rodríguez, A. I., Iglesias, M. A., Jacob, M. A. C., Todd, B., Robinson, D. N., & Iglesias, P. A. (2024). A continuum model of mechanosensation based on contractility kit assembly. Biophysical Journal. Nov 8:S0006-3495(24)00708-2.