About Michael Blinov

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So far Michael Blinov has created 69 blog entries.

Reaction-diffusion modeling with VCell used to study biophysical carbon concentrating mechanisms in land plants

2024-06-18T12:00:25+00:00 June 10th, 2024|News|

2024-06-10. The team of researchers from Michigan State University used reaction-diffusion modeling with VCell to provide insights into biophysical carbon concentrating mechanisms in land plants.
Kaste, J. A., Walker, B. J., & Shachar-Hill, Y. (2024). Reaction-diffusion modeling provides insights into biophysical carbon concentrating mechanisms in land plants. Plant Physiology, kiae324.

A VCell model of endocytic nanoclusters is published in Nature Comm

2024-05-20T23:51:13+00:00 May 20th, 2024|News|

2024-05-14. The team of researchers from Australia and Johns Hopkins University used VCell to design and simulate a model explaining the formation of endocytic nanoclusters driven by distinct recruitment of Dynamin1 long- and short-tail isoforms.
Jiang, A., Kudo, K., Gormal, R.S., Ellis, S., Guo, S., Wallis, T.P., Longfield, S.F., Robinson, P.J., Johnson, M.E., Joensuu, M. and Meunier, F.A., 2024. Dynamin1 long-and short-tail isoforms exploit distinct recruitment and spatial patterns to form endocytic nanoclusters. Nature Communications15(1), p.4060.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38017688/ […]

Jiang et al., 2024

2024-11-26T19:11:07+00:00 May 20th, 2024|publication, publication-2024|

Dynamin1 long-and short-tail isoforms exploit distinct recruitment and spatial patterns to form endocytic nanoclusters.
Jiang, A., Kudo, K., Gormal, R.S., Ellis, S., Guo, S., Wallis, T.P., Longfield, S.F., Robinson, P.J., Johnson, M.E., Joensuu, M. and Meunier, F.A..
Nature Communications. 2024 May 14;15(1):4060.
doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-47677-8
VCell BioModels referenced in the publication
biomodel name: DiffuseToCluster_WCoopDense
biomodel name: DiffuseToCluster_WithCoop

VCell at HARMONY 2024

2024-04-15T21:52:42+00:00 April 10th, 2024|CCAM Events, News|

2024-04-10. Michael Blinov and Ion Moraru presented VCell tutorial at HARMONY 2024 at University College London. Other topics discussed include interoperability of multiple standards like SBML, SED-ML and COMBINE archive supported by VCell.

25th Annual Comp Cell Bio workshop

2024-03-11T17:25:54+00:00 February 29th, 2024|CCAM Events, News|

VCell, COPASI and SpringSalad were taught and used for projects at the  25th Annual Computational Cell Biology (CCB) workshop that took place online February 26-28th.  The invited talks were given by Yulia Timofeeva (University of Warwick), James P Sluka (Indiana University) and Kevin Janes (University of Virginia). Sixteen participants were selected to work with VCell and COPASI instructors on their projects, and eight gave presentations on their projects at the Modeling Symposium.

A model of K+ and pH homeostasis in plant cells.

2024-03-18T23:18:17+00:00 February 12th, 2024|News|

2024-02-12. Ingo Dreyer (U Talca, Chile) and Kai Konrad (U Wuerzburg, Germany) used VCell to design and simulate a model explaining the properties of transporter networks and the coupling of transport across the PM and VM. They demonstrated fundamental principles of coupled ion transport at membrane sandwiches to control H+ /K+ homeostasis and points to transceptor-like Ca2+ /H+ -based ion signaling in plant cells.
Kunkun Li, Christina Grauschopf, Rainer Hedrich, Ingo Dreyer, Kai R Konrad (2024). […]

Special Interest Group on Biophysical Modeling of the Cell

2024-03-14T01:13:54+00:00 December 8th, 2023|CCAM Events, News|

Michael Blinov and Margaret Johnson from John Hopkins University were hosting the Special Interest Subgroup session on Biophysical Modeling of the Cell at Cell Bio 2023 – an ASCB/EMBO (https://www.ascb.org/cellbio2023/) meeting in Boston, MA, December 2-6. The speakers include Elizabeth Read (UCI), Margaret Johnson (JHU), Jason Haugh (NCSU),  Graham Johnson (Allen Institute), and Ben O’Shaughnessy (Columbia U).