7-1-2017.  CCAM welcomes several undergraduates and a graduate rotation student who are working on projects related to VCell this summer . Undergraduate students include Keeyan Ghoreshi, Anvin Thomas, Natalie de la Garrique and Shahan Kamal from UConn Storrs and Kevin Gaffney from the University of Oklahoma. Joe Masison is a new MD/PhD student from University of Maryland. Keeyan is working on the infrastructure for Sloppy Modeling projects, Shahan is modeling pathways using high-throuput data, Natalie is building Model Bricks, and Anvin is building VCell models for analyzing optogenetic experiments and developing general tools for assessing parameter identifiability in VCell. Kevin’s project involves coupling ImageJ technology with VCell to improve comparison of image data to simulation outputs, and Joe is working on an enhancement to SpringSaLaD, to allow coarse grained molecular models to be derived directly from atomic coordinates. In addition, a high school intern Nathan Schaumburger is helping to update VCell tutorials. We are excited by their excellent progress so far.

2018-02-26T20:29:05+00:00 July 1st, 2017|CCAM Events, News, VCell Posts|