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Analysis of Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate Signaling in Cerebellar Purkinje Spines
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   user: Brown,   model name: Brown et al 2008 Purkinje Compartmental – adapted from Hernjak et al
   user: Brown,   model name: Brown et al 2008 Purkinje 1D
   user: Brown,   model name: Brown et al 2008 Purkinje 3D – 12 PF Stimuli
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Coatesworth et al., 2008

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Calcium signal transmission in chick sensory neurones is diffusion based
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user: coatesworth,   model name: 190105_SCAB100B
user: coatesworth,   model name: 190105_SCAB100P
user: coatesworth,   model name: 240604_SCAB100B
user: coatesworth,   model name: 221204_SCAB100B
user: coatesworth,   model name: 120504_SCAB100B

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Calcium transport mechanisms of PC12 cells
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user: hillelab,   model name: DumanJGP2008Fig9diff
user: hillelab,   model name: DumanJGP2008Fig1A-control
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2018-07-12T19:23:38+00:00 January 1st, 2008|publication, publication-2008|

Cell shape and negative links in regulatory motifs together control spatial information flow in signaling networks
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   user: susana,   model name: neves_cell_2008