Boras et al., 2014

2018-07-12T19:23:30+00:00 January 1st, 2014|publication, publication-2014|

Using Markov state models to develop a mechanistic understanding of protein kinase A regulatory subunit RIalpha activation in response to cAMP binding
Boras, B. W., Kornev, A., Taylor, S. S., McCulloch, A. D.
J Biol Chem. 2014 Sep 8. pii: jbc.M114.568907
PUBMED:25202018      doi:10.1074/jbc.M114.568907
   VCell BioModels referenced in publication:
   user: bboras,   model name: Boras_PKA-Dimer
   user: bboras,   model name: Boras_PKA-CBD-A
   user: bboras,   model name: Boras_PKA-Unconstrained
   user: bboras,   model name: Boras_PKA_Dimer_mutant_B-inhibited
   user: bboras,   model name: Boras_PKA_CBD-A_mutant_B-inhibited
   user: bboras,   model name: Boras_PKA-CBD-A
   user: […]

Azeloglu et al., 2014

2018-07-12T19:23:30+00:00 January 1st, 2014|publication, publication-2014|

Interconnected network motifs control podocyte morphology and kidney function
Azeloglu, E. U., Hardy, S. V., Eungdamrong, N. J., Chen, Y., Jayaraman, G., Chuang, P. Y., Fang, W., Xiong, H., Neves, S. R., Jain, M. R., Li, H., Ma&apos, ayan, A., Gordon, R. E., He, J. C., Iyengar, R.
Sci. Signal., 4 February 2014 Vol. 7, Issue 311, p. ra12 [DOI: 10.1126/scisignal.2004621]
PUBMED:24497609      doi:10.1126/scisignal.2004621
   VCell BioModels referenced in publication:
   user: sihar,   model name: Podocyte Nested FFM model (copy sensitivity)
   user: […]