Song et al., 2016

2018-07-12T19:23:28+00:00 January 1st, 2016|publication, publication-2016|

Cross-regulation of phosphodiesterase-1 and phosphodiesterase-2 activities controls dopaminemediated striatal alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (ampa) receptor trafficking.
Song, R.S., Tolentino, R., Sobie, E.A., Neves-Zaph, S.R.
J Biol Chem. 2016 Sep 7. pii: jbc.M116.749747
PUBMED:27605670      doi:10.1074/jbc.M116.749747
   VCell BioModels referenced in publication:
   user: rsong,   model name: RS_JBC2016

Kapustina et al., 2016

2018-07-12T19:23:27+00:00 January 1st, 2016|publication, publication-2016|

Simultaneous quantification of actin monomer and filament dynamics with modelling assisted analysis of photoactivation
Kapustina, M., Read, T. A., Vitriol, E. A.
J Cell Sci. 2016 Dec 15;129(24):4633-4643
PUBMED:27831495      doi:10.1242/jcs.194670
   VCell BioModels referenced in publication:
   user: marynka,   model name: GF-actin FDAP
   user: marynka,   model name: Axon_FDAP

Podoplelova et al., 2016

2018-07-12T19:23:28+00:00 January 1st, 2016|publication, publication-2016|

Hysteresis-like binding of coagulation factors X/Xa to procoagulant activated platelets and phospholipids results from multistep association and membrane-dependent multimerization
Podoplelova, N. A., Sveshnikova, A. N., Kurasawa, J. H., Sarafanov, A. G., Chambost, H., Vasil&apos, ev, S. A., Demina, I. A., Ataullakhanov, F. I., Alessi, M. C., Panteleev, M. A.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 2016;1858(6):1216-27.
PUBMED:26874201      doi:10.1016/j.bbamem.2016.02.008
   VCell BioModels referenced in publication:
   user: agolomy,   model name: fX_platelet_binding
   user: agolomy,   model name: fX_thrombus_binding

Rogals et al., 2016

2018-07-12T19:23:28+00:00 January 1st, 2016|publication, publication-2016|

Neighboring phosphoSer-Pro motifs in the undefined domain of IRAK1 impart bivalent advantage for Pin1 binding
Rogals, M. J., Greenwood, A. I., Kwon, J., Lu, K. P., Nicholson, L. K.
The FEBS journal, 2016; 283(24), 4528-4548
PUBMED:28652372      doi:10.1111/febs.13943
   VCell BioModels referenced in publication:
   user: mjr323,   model name: Pin1_2Domains(diffKds)_monovalentligand
   user: mjr323,   model name: Pin1_2domain(diffKds)_w_Bivalentligand(diffKds)
   user: mjr323,   model name: Pin1_2domain(diffKds)_w_Bivalentligand(diffKds)