About Michael Blinov

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So far Michael Blinov has created 63 blog entries.

A model of relationships between Ca2+ and YAP/TAZ signalling

2024-03-17T02:57:36+00:00 February 16th, 2023|News|

2023-02-16. VCell collaborator Padmini Rangamani from University of California San Diego published a manuscript where a computational model of a mechanisms underlying divergent relationships between Ca2+ and YAP/TAZ signallingin was designed in VCell. The created system of ODEs was exported into MatLab for further simulations and processing.The model predicts context-dependent Ca2+ transient, CaMKII bistable response and frequency-dependent activation of LATS1/2 upstream regulators as mechanisms governing the Ca2+ -YAP/TAZ relationship.
Khalilimeybodi, A., Fraley, S. I., & Rangamani, […]

2023 Computational Cell Biology workshop

2023-03-09T01:24:18+00:00 February 13th, 2023|News|

2023-02-13. The 24th Annual Computational Cell Biology workshop was sponsored by Cell Analysis and Modeling Center at the UConn Health on February 13-15th. It was an intense online event designed to enable cell biologists and biphysicists to develop mathematical models of their experimental systems.Keynote speakers included Jason Haugh, Pablo Iglesias and Ursula Kummer.