19 new VCell models on G-actin diffusion are published by Haugh group

2023-09-14T17:58:51+00:00 August 28th, 2023|News|

2023-08-28. VCell collaborator Jason Haugh from North Carolina State University published a manuscript where experiments and VCell modeling demonstrated that G-actin diffusion is insufficient to achieve F-actin assembly in fast-treadmilling protrusions.
Appalabhotla, R., Butler, M.T., Bear, J.E. and Haugh, J.M. G-actin diffusion is insufficient to achieve F-actin assembly in fast-treadmilling protrusions. Biophys J. 2023 Aug 28;S0006-3495(23)00553-2. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2023.08.022. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37644720/
See 5 biomodels and 14 mathmodels at https://vcell.org/appalabhotla-2023

Biophysical Modeling of the Cell special interests group at ASCB

2023-07-17T19:00:55+00:00 July 17th, 2023|News|

Prof Margaret Johnson from John Hopkins University and Michael Blinov are hosting the Special Interest Subgroup session on Biophysical Modeling of the Cell at Cell Bio 2023 – an ASCB/EMBO (https://www.ascb.org/cellbio2023/) meeting in Boston, MA, December 2-6. The session will take place on Wednesday, December 6, 8:30 AM – 11:00 AM (https://www.ascb.org/cellbio2023/program/subgroups/).

24th Annual Computational Cell Biology (CCB) workshop

2023-07-17T18:51:05+00:00 June 28th, 2023|News|

2023-06-28. The  24th Annual Computational Cell Biology (CCB) workshop took place at the Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling (CCAM) on June 26-28th. 11 participants from all over the US (from Maryland to Illinois) came to Farmington to work on developing their modeling projects using VCell and COPASI software tools, designed and maintained at CCAM. The students were helped by a CCAM team consisting of Michael Blinov, Ann Cowan, Leslie Loew, Pedro Mendes, Ion Moraru, […]

VCell is used in a research on aging

2023-07-17T18:52:57+00:00 May 4th, 2023|News|

2023-05-04. The interdisciplinary team consisting of CCAM modelers Drs. Blinov and Moraru and researchers from the Center on Aging Drs. Kuchel and Kositsawat, together with former undergrad students Schaumburger and Pally published a manuscript theoretically explaining the bistability of clinical outcomes: the likelihood of an individual remaining mobile over time either increases to almost 100% or decreases to almost zero. The VCell software was extensively used for parameter scans and fitting.

Schaumburger, N., Pally, J., Moraru, […]

VCell 7.5 Release

2023-05-01T23:22:29+00:00 May 1st, 2023|News|

2023-05-01. VCell 7.5 has been released. It features parameter estimation from the latest version of COPASI; model exchange via multiple standards, including, SBML, SEDML and OMEX; parameter scans in local client simulations; and hardening of unit handling including automatic unit transformations. Full specs available https://vcell.org/run-vcell-software.

A model of relationships between Ca2+ and YAP/TAZ signalling

2024-03-17T02:57:36+00:00 February 16th, 2023|News|

2023-02-16. VCell collaborator Padmini Rangamani from University of California San Diego published a manuscript where a computational model of a mechanisms underlying divergent relationships between Ca2+ and YAP/TAZ signallingin was designed in VCell. The created system of ODEs was exported into MatLab for further simulations and processing.The model predicts context-dependent Ca2+ transient, CaMKII bistable response and frequency-dependent activation of LATS1/2 upstream regulators as mechanisms governing the Ca2+ -YAP/TAZ relationship.
Khalilimeybodi, A., Fraley, S. I., & Rangamani, […]

2023 Computational Cell Biology workshop

2023-03-09T01:24:18+00:00 February 13th, 2023|News|

2023-02-13. The 24th Annual Computational Cell Biology workshop was sponsored by Cell Analysis and Modeling Center at the UConn Health on February 13-15th. It was an intense online event designed to enable cell biologists and biphysicists to develop mathematical models of their experimental systems.Keynote speakers included Jason Haugh, Pablo Iglesias and Ursula Kummer.