VCell Model of ion transport in Kidney

2022-05-18T14:54:11+00:00 September 22nd, 2021|News|

2021-09-22. A new VCell model from the Carlier lab is combined with experiments to explore regulation of ion transport in the kidney proximal tubule. Find links to the paper and public VCell models on our published models page.

New model of FAK influence on YAP-TAZ

2021-10-13T19:13:46+00:00 September 10th, 2021|News|

2021-09-10. VCell MathModels were used to explore how FAK activation influences YAP/TAZ translocation in a new publication by Eroume et al. in Biophysical Journal. Find links to the paper and public VCell models on our published models page.

New model of actin filament nucleation

2021-10-14T18:33:32+00:00 September 9th, 2021|News|

2021-09-9. VCell models and COPASI parameter estimation tools were used to test molecular mechanisms for actin filament nucleation in a paper from the Loew and Pollard labs. Find links to the paper and public VCell models on our published models page.

New model of Sperm Calcium

2021-09-03T14:31:58+00:00 July 28th, 2021|News|

2021-7-27. A new VCell model by Korobkin et al, explores calcium oscillations in mammalian sperm. COPASI software was also utilized for parameter estimation to fit the models.   Find links to the paper and public VCell models on our published models page.

2021 Computational Cell Biology Workshop held June 21-23.

2022-05-18T15:17:00+00:00 June 24th, 2021|News, VCell Posts|

2021-6-24  CCAM’s annual Computational Cell Biology Workshop was again held online June 21-23, 2021.  The workshop provided instruction to over 50 individuals from around the world on mathematical modeling techniques using VCell, COPASI and SpringSaLaD software. Fifteen of the participants worked closely with CCAM researchers to develop their own models related to their research projects. Another successful year for the modeling workshop! a combined workshop for VCell, COPASI, and SpringSaLaD modeling software. Thanks to all […]

VCell model of YAP/TAZ

2021-08-17T19:33:40+00:00 May 8th, 2021|News|

2021-5-08. A new VCell model from the Rangamani lab explores how YAP/TAZ signaling integrates inputs from different biophysical properties of the cell. Find links to the paper and public VCell models on our published models page.

VCell model of Mad signaling

2021-04-16T14:03:55+00:00 March 30th, 2021|News|

2021-3-30. A new paper from the Inaba lab uses a VCell model to explore how pMad is asymmetrically partitioned to forming daughter nuclei during division of stem cells in the Drosophila ovary.  Find links to the model and citation on our published models page.

VCell 7.4 released

2021-03-23T15:22:09+00:00 March 23rd, 2021|News|

2021-03-23.VCell 7.4 has been released.  New in VCell 7.4 is the ability to preview geometries from the VCell database, vastly accelerated multiple trajectory stochastic simulations using the Gibson-Bruck solver, extension of unit display and automatic conversion to rate and assignment rules, support for external access to containerized versions of some VCell solvers with command line execution, as well as numerous additional improvements and bug fixes.